story fam

story fam

Sunday, September 20, 2009

ASMC Run 2009

While our weekend was tremendously busy, the highlight was watching Michael and Pat run the Autism of McLean County 5k race on Saturday. I have never been at the finish line for a race, and let me tell you I have been missing out!!! I'm not even sure what I want to say about the experience. Here goes.....I wonder if all of the runners understand why they are running? I wonder if they look at Michael as just a little boy, or if they could even fathom that my son is one of the reasons that they are running? I wonder if the people from Metcalf and the teacher that we love from Prairieland know how deeply I was touched to see them there participating? I wonder if the spectators could begin to understand why Derek and I were crying when our son came into the chute to finish? That the tears are tears of gratitude to a man who has taken a passion that our son has developed and has literally run with it? That even though it is hard to bridle Michael's energy (and complaining) this man has stuck with him-and let me tell you, that isn't always easy! I wonder if anyone else saw the bright smile on Michael's face when he looked up and heard the ENTIRE crowd screaming with us? And the tears on other faces when they saw us looking at our son? Then I wonder if this is one of those moments where God is speaking directly to me, reminding me that our songs are all different. That being a boy doesn't automatically mean playing football or baseball; that there are many ways to be "athletic". And that while some dreams that we parents dream for our children may pass away, there are better dreams and plans that God has made for our children ?

Thank you Patrick for making a difference. We love you for it. More than any words will ever express. You have made such an impact on all of us with your quiet and persistant ways. We are grateful.

And to all of the runners and people who donated to this most worthy organization-thank you! Those of us who have used the services are in debted to you!

Enjoy the pictures below-it was a beautiful day!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Waiting on the kids

People ask me how I spend my days...well, quite frankly most days are spent navigating drop off and pick ups. Each afternoon (until Sept. 28th) I leave our house with Emmy in tow and we go to the front circle drive of Metcalf to pick up the girls. We have to sit for half an hour in order to get our spot-time waster you're thinking right? Well we bust a move, trying our hardest not to run over a rude ISU student who charges through the no walk sign, over to Hoose to get Michael, and then two days a week boogie back to Metcalf to get someone from piano lessons. I won't even entertain you with the evening schedule. In order to entertain Emmy, I have started taking my camera and allow her to take picture (the results are above). She laughs hysterically and it keeps her occupied. 30 minutes is a long wait!! I'll do an additional post on how I feel about ISU students and cross walks at a later time-let's suffice it to say that I have (wrongly) had dreams of taking one of them out!!

The trumpet

Yep it's time for band!! Peris got to pick her instrument for the school band, and she was lucky enough to get her first choice...the trumpet. Currently she is working on the "e" sound. This takes me back to thoughts of Mr. Marc Victor, marching band, practice, and the understanding of why my Mom was so freaked out when I misplaced my saxophone-man these things are expensive!!!!!